Swiss German is characterized by the frequent use of the diminutive. This means that nouns are usually “reduced in size” by adding the suffix “li” to them. The counterpart in High German is the ending “chen/lein”. If you don’t speak...
Best swiss movies of all time
Switzerland is not Hollywood. And filmmaking has no great significance in Switzerland. Nevertheless, Swiss directors always manage to convince with high-quality and entertaining films. Here is a selection of the best and most successful Swiss films. «Heidi» (1952) There are...
Stay informed and use Swiss German newspapers and radio stations
The press landscape in Switzerland is diverse. On the one hand because of the trilingualism of the country, on the other because Swiss people consume more printed media than, for example, watch TV. Quite different from the south of Europe,...
Ultimate guide: getting a dream job in Switzerland
Switzerland is extremely popular with foreign workers. Although the cost of living is high, the low unemployment rate and high earning potential attract many expats to Switzerland every year. But how do you find your dream job? Here are a...
Critical does and don’ts in Switzerland: get familiar with the Swiss culture
Each country has its own cultural characteristics. What is perceived as polite in Japan can be a total affront in France. The same Switzerland, there are a number of special characteristics in dealing with Swiss that you should remember as...
Why I chose Switzerland: public transport ist magnifique!
Switzerland is known for many things. One of them is that everything works well. And that you practically don’t need a car to get around. Because Switzerland has an excellent public transport network consisting of train, tram, bus and boat....
With those Swiss German words you will survive
In Switzerland we speak Swiss German. Although it comes from High German, it is a dialect of its own. A German from Stuttgart may still understand us, but a German from Hamburg has no chance. Although High German is his...
Arriving in Switzerland
How beautiful is Switzerland? As one of the most beautiful regions on this planet, Switzerland offers more than many might realize. From the majestic peaks of the Alps, to the numerous lakes and streams that provide 6% of Europe with...
Moving from the US to Switzerland
If you are planning on moving to Switzerland from the United States, you will want to be well prepared. It is very important that you take the time to learn about the area and the culture, the language, and the...
Why should I learn Swiss German?
If you are considering moving to Switzerland, it may be a good idea to learn Swiss German. When you are traveling abroad or making a life transition and headed to a new country, you may be unfamiliar with its language....