The press landscape in Switzerland is diverse. On the one hand because of the trilingualism of the country, on the other because Swiss people consume more printed media than, for example, watch TV. Quite different from the south of Europe,
Switzerland has cantons – and half cantons?
Switzerland is politically divided into several cantons and half cantons. There are 20 cantons and 6 half cantons in this country. But what is a half-canton and what is the differences between a “full” and a “half” canton? What is
Emigration to Switzerland or Austria?
Your reasons to emigrate will determine where you should move to The situation in the country where the person wants to emigrate to must always be considered. In many cases, the question of which country (Switzerland or Austria) to go
What type of permit do I need to stay in Switzerland?
First and most importantly, anyone who stays in Switzerland for more than three months must have a residence permit. A residence permit, also known as a foreigner’s ID card, is issued by the Cantonal Migration Office responsible for your place
The Swiss National Day on 1st August
So you have decided to learn Swiss German? Learning about a language involves more than just understanding the words; it is always good to know about the culture and traditions of the country whose language you are learning. If you
Newspapers in Switzerland
Print is not dead! Newspapers are still a popular way to get „Wichtigi Nochrichte“ (en: important news) on politics, culture and sports. Which newspaper should you read? Decide which ones are for you after ready our handy guide to the
The Swiss Guard – a Melding of Tradition and Modernity
Switzerland may be small, but it has always been a nation of warriors. Even Tacitus, the Roman historian, asserted that the Swiss were a very militant people. They were to prove this particularly in the 14th century at the Battle
Berne – The capital of Switzerland
Today, we‘d like to take a closer look at one of Switzerland’s most important cities, Berne. Berne, with a population of approximately 140’000 is, together with the other „Gmeinde“ (en.: communes) of Zurich Basel and Geneva, one of the largest
The political system in Switzerland
In this article we talk about the political system in Switzerland. We have tried to explain the somewhat complicated subject in simpler terms. Embedded in the text are words in the vernacular that pertain to the subject. We at Learn