So you have decided to learn Swiss German? Learning about a language involves more than just understanding the words; it is always good to know about the culture and traditions of the country whose language you are learning. If you
Chienbäse – a Swiss Fasnacht tradition
Chienbäse is one of the traditional Fasnacht events in Switzerland. It takes place in Liestal, the capital of the canton of Baselland. Nearby Basel is well known for its lavish Fasnacht , which is said to form the base of the
Basel Fasnacht – the city turns into a fairytale
Something wonderful happens in Basel every year on Ash Wednesday; overnight, the dreamy charming city on the Rhine bursts into colourful and magical activity. At 4 am sharp, when most people are still in the land of dreams, the Morgestraich
Festivals and holidays in Switzerland
Like every other country in the world, Switzerland has a reputation which is often somewhat cliched. The world believes that the Swiss are punctual, they are neutral and they make good “Chääs” and “Schoggi”. All true of course, but did