Why is “CH” the country code for Switzerland?

Why is “CH” the country code for Switzerland?

According to the International Organization for Standardization, “CH”, Switzerland’s country code, stands for “Confoederatio Helvetica”. This is Latin for „Helvetic Confederation“. Where does the abbreviation “CH” come from? You have to look back a long way into the country’s history

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Lausanne – the Olympia of modern times

Lausanne – the Olympia of modern times

The most famous five rings of modern times are not Greek; they are Swiss. In 1915, the chairman of the then IOC, Pierre de Coubertin, declared Lausanne to be the home of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In 1994, the

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Geneva – the smallest metropolis in the world

Geneva – the smallest metropolis in the world

Geneva is idyllically situated between the Alps, on the banks of Lake Geneva and in the far west of Switzerland. French speaking Geneva is home to the European seat of the UN and the headquarters of the International Red Cross

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