The press landscape in Switzerland is diverse. On the one hand because of the trilingualism of the country, on the other because Swiss people consume more printed media than, for example, watch TV. Quite different from the south of Europe,
The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Learning Swiss German
This is how to start If you are already catching up on your favorite German and Swiss TV shows, movies and pop stars to help you brush up your listening skills, why not start dipping into Swiss culture too? I
Lausanne – the Olympia of modern times
The most famous five rings of modern times are not Greek; they are Swiss. In 1915, the chairman of the then IOC, Pierre de Coubertin, declared Lausanne to be the home of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In 1994, the
Jass – a Popular Swiss Card Game
Jass, also called „der Jass“ in Swiss German, is the most popular card game in Switzerland and is even considered to be a national game. Although known to be a game played by old men in pubs, „in de letzschte
The Swiss Army
What does the Swiss army have to do with learning Swiss German? Simply put, if you want to learn a language, it‘ s easiest if you understand the culture and system of your host country. That is why we explore
The nine most important cities
Either way, the urban centers are attractive and young people are still drawn from the rural peripheral regions of the Alps and Pre-Alps, as well as the “Jurabogen”, to the large cities of the middle of the country and the
26 cantons
The cantons of Switzerland in terms of their domestic political significance and their constitutional position and organization in, for example, the German or Austrian federal states of Switzerland, show extreme differences: the largest canton (Graubünden) has the 192-fold area of