Switzerland is not Hollywood. And filmmaking has no great significance in Switzerland. Nevertheless, Swiss directors always manage to convince with high-quality and entertaining films. Here is a selection of the best and most successful Swiss films. «Heidi» (1952) There are
Stay informed and use Swiss German newspapers and radio stations
The press landscape in Switzerland is diverse. On the one hand because of the trilingualism of the country, on the other because Swiss people consume more printed media than, for example, watch TV. Quite different from the south of Europe,
With those Swiss German words you will survive
In Switzerland we speak Swiss German. Although it comes from High German, it is a dialect of its own. A German from Stuttgart may still understand us, but a German from Hamburg has no chance. Although High German is his
Arriving in Switzerland
How beautiful is Switzerland? As one of the most beautiful regions on this planet, Switzerland offers more than many might realize. From the majestic peaks of the Alps, to the numerous lakes and streams that provide 6% of Europe with
Moving from the US to Switzerland
If you are planning on moving to Switzerland from the United States, you will want to be well prepared. It is very important that you take the time to learn about the area and the culture, the language, and the
Studying in Switzerland
Depending on what you plan on studying, studying abroad can provide you with an education and also an amazing experience. There are a number of different programs in Switzerland that allow you to study abroad on behalf of some of
Typical Bern = typical Switzerland?
Through the eyes of a tourist Switzerland is like a bouquet of flowers. While foreign nationals are quickly taken with the colours, the scent, the crisp freshness of each single flower, a Swiss likes to dig until he finds a
Emigration to Switzerland or Austria?
Your reasons to emigrate will determine where you should move to The situation in the country where the person wants to emigrate to must always be considered. In many cases, the question of which country (Switzerland or Austria) to go
Why is “CH” the country code for Switzerland?
According to the International Organization for Standardization, “CH”, Switzerland’s country code, stands for “Confoederatio Helvetica”. This is Latin for „Helvetic Confederation“. Where does the abbreviation “CH” come from? You have to look back a long way into the country’s history
Winegrowing in Switzerland
From a worldwide point of view, Switzerland is still a relatively unknown winegrowing area in Central Europe. Although Switzerland has the highest vineyards on the European continent, the areas under cultivation are much smaller than other wine producing countries. However,