Swiss German is characterized by the frequent use of the diminutive. This means that nouns are usually “reduced in size” by adding the suffix “li” to them. The counterpart in High German is the ending “chen/lein”. If you don’t speak
With those Swiss German words you will survive
In Switzerland we speak Swiss German. Although it comes from High German, it is a dialect of its own. A German from Stuttgart may still understand us, but a German from Hamburg has no chance. Although High German is his
Switzerland has cantons – and half cantons?
Switzerland is politically divided into several cantons and half cantons. There are 20 cantons and 6 half cantons in this country. But what is a half-canton and what is the differences between a “full” and a “half” canton? What is
Taxation in Switzerland Income Tax
In Switzerland, tax is levied on the federal, cantonal and communal level. The federal tax is levied on your income, whereas the 26 cantons and approximately 2400 communes levy tax both on income and property. As is typical for Switzerland’s
Thun – a medieval town with a magnificent back drop
Thun is a city in the canton of Berne and is often called the gateway to the Bernese Oberland. With a population of 90,000 „Ihwohner“ (en: inhabitants), Thun is the eleventh largest city in Switzerland. The town is perfect for
Schaffhausen – Rhine Falls and more
The small town of Schaffhausen lies on the High Rhine in the middle of the canton of the same name and is known primarily for its Rhine Falls. More than 35,000 people live in this area of outstanding beauty. The Rhine
Herzlich Willkommen or Bienvenue to Charming Biel
The charming town of Biel in canton Berne is the largest bilingual city in Switzerland. Walking through the streets and listening to the chatter in both Swiss German and French lends a unique pleasant atmosphere to the town. Hallo/GrĂĽezi and
The city of Sion – the sunny side of Switzerland
Sion (or Sitten in German) is the capital city of Valais. It is situated in the south west of Switzerland at the confluence of the Sionne and Rhone at an elevation of approximately 500 m. The city lies in the