Stay informed and use Swiss German newspapers and radio stations

Stay informed and use Swiss German newspapers and radio stations

The press landscape in Switzerland is diverse. On the one hand because of the trilingualism of the country, on the other because Swiss people consume more printed media than, for example, watch TV. Quite different from the south of Europe,

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Why I chose Switzerland: public transport ist magnifique!

Why I chose Switzerland: public transport ist magnifique!

Switzerland is known for many things. One of them is that everything works well. And that you practically don’t need a car to get around. Because Switzerland has an excellent public transport network consisting of train, tram, bus and boat.

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Typical Bern = typical Switzerland?

Typical Bern = typical Switzerland?

Through the eyes of a tourist Switzerland is like a bouquet of flowers. While foreign nationals are quickly taken with the colours, the scent, the crisp freshness of each single flower, a Swiss likes to dig until he finds a

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Typical Basel – Bebbis, Fasnacht and Sports

Typical Basel – Bebbis, Fasnacht and Sports

The question of who is a real Basler is not easy to answer. There is actually no such thing as a real Basler. In the city city on the Rhine, people refer to themselves as «d Bebbi». And these Bebbi

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Taxation in Switzerland Income Tax

Taxation in Switzerland Income Tax

In Switzerland, tax is levied on the federal, cantonal and communal level. The federal  tax is levied on your income, whereas the 26 cantons and approximately 2400 communes levy tax both on income and property. As is typical for Switzerland’s

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The Swiss National Day on 1st August

The Swiss National Day on 1st August

So you have decided to learn Swiss German? Learning about a language involves more than just understanding the words; it is always good to know about the culture and traditions of the country whose language you are learning. If you

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Schaffhausen – Rhine Falls and more

Schaffhausen – Rhine Falls and more

The small town of Schaffhausen lies on the High Rhine in the middle of the canton of the same name and is known primarily for its Rhine Falls. More than 35,000 people live in this area of outstanding beauty. The Rhine

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