We celebrate Swiss German and every single word in it. Therefore we’ve carefully curated the 20’000 most common Swiss German words for you, with authentic audio recordings and verified definitions. As such, this is the most complete Swiss German dictionary that is easily accessible online.
Aabig | evening |
aacho | to arrive |
aadüte | to hint at sth |
Aakunft | arrival |
Aaruef | phone call |
aatöne | to hint |
abartig | kinky |
abegheie | to fall from something |
Abflug | takeoff |
abflüge | to takeoff |
abhaue | to crop or to bunk |
Abreis | departure |
abreise | to depart |
Abschlagvorrichtung | flake appliance |
abverheit | failed |
abverreckt | totally failed |
achtig | attention |
Ade, Adjö | formal goodbye |
Advent | advent, season before Christmas |
Adventschranz | advent wreath |
Adventskalender | Christmas calendar |
Adventsmärt | advent market |
Agända | diary |
Alles Guete zum Geburi! | Happy Birthday! |
alpott | again and again |
amigs | sometimes |
ängstirnig | narrow-minded |
Anke | butter |
aper | snow free |
armi Lüt | poor people |
Arschbombe | cannonball, jumping butt first into the pool |
Ässe | eating |
Astronomisch | astronomical |
Ätti | dad in Bernese dialect |
äuä | fat change!, come on! |
Auto | car |
autofahre | to drive a car, to ride a car |
autostöpple | to hitchhike, lit. to stop a car |
äxgüsi | from french "excusez", sorry |
Baby | baby |
Badchappe | bathing cap |
Badchleid | bathing suit for women |
bade | to take a bath |
Badefeerie | beach vacation |
bädele | to swim, to play in the water |
Badhose | bathing trunks |
Badi | public pool |
Badtüechli | towel |
Balkonie | staycation, lit. imaginary land on your balcony |
Bänkli | bench |
Bäredräck | licorice |
The dictionary is a derived work from ahumorousguidetoswitzerland.blogspot.ch–
Swiss German dictionary
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