We celebrate Swiss German and every single word in it. Therefore we’ve carefully curated the 20’000 most common Swiss German words for you, with authentic audio recordings and verified definitions. As such, this is the most complete Swiss German dictionary that is easily accessible online.

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Aabig evening
aacho to arrive
aadüte to hint at sth
Aakunft arrival
Aaruef phone call
aatöne to hint
abartig kinky
abegheie to fall from something
Abflug takeoff
abflüge to takeoff
abhaue to crop or to bunk
Abreis departure
abreise to depart
Abschlagvorrichtung flake appliance
abverheit failed
abverreckt totally failed
achtig attention
Ade, Adjö formal goodbye
Advent advent, season before Christmas
Adventschranz advent wreath
Adventskalender Christmas calendar
Adventsmärt advent market
Agända diary
Alles Guete zum Geburi! Happy Birthday!
alpott again and again
amigs sometimes
ängstirnig narrow-minded
Anke butter
aper snow free
armi Lüt poor people
Arschbombe cannonball, jumping butt first into the pool
Ässe eating
Astronomisch astronomical
Ätti dad in Bernese dialect
äuä fat change!, come on!
Auto car
autofahre to drive a car, to ride a car
autostöpple to hitchhike, lit. to stop a car
äxgüsi from french "excusez", sorry
Baby baby
Badchappe bathing cap
Badchleid bathing suit for women
bade to take a bath
Badefeerie beach vacation
bädele to swim, to play in the water
Badhose bathing trunks
Badi public pool
Badtüechli towel
Balkonie staycation, lit. imaginary land on your balcony
Bänkli bench
Bäredräck licorice
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The dictionary is a derived work from ahumorousguidetoswitzerland.blogspot.ch

Swiss German dictionary
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