We Swiss are not known for being particularly passionate or emotional. The Italians or Spaniards are. But even if we show our feelings less in public, because we believe that this is a private matter, it does not mean that we have no feelings. Just like anyone else, we fall in love and share our emotions with the people who are important to us and whom we love.

Most people show their affection for their partner by using a special nickname
Most people show their affection for their partner by using a special nickname

Have you fallen in love with a Swiss person? You did? So would it not be nice if you could tell her or him your feelings in Swiss German? That’s why we have put together a useful vocabulary of Swiss German love vows and phrases. So that you can surprise your darling and make him or her love you even more!

Nicknames for your lover

Nicknames always express the special intimacy in a partnership. That’s how we show our affection and how familiar and comfortable we are with each other. The choice of the nickname does not happen accidentally. It is inseparably connected to the feelings for the partner and reflects them.

Each language of course has its own unique nicknames. Besides the very special vocabulary, in Swiss German the diminutive form “-li” is also used very often. As this ending can show affection, Swiss people like to add it to their preferred nickname.


No. 1 “Schatz”

N° 1 nickname in Switzerland for a loved one: "Schatz"
N° 1 nickname in Switzerland for a loved one: “Schatz”

Swiss people love to call their girl- or boyfriend “Schatz”. It is the most used nickname in the country. “Schatz” also comes in different variations, depending on the dialect or the age of the person using it.

  • Schätzli
  • Schätzeli
  • Schätzi
  • Schatzi

The words “Schatz” and “Schatzi” have a long tradition by the way, also in high German. Those expressions got back to Goethe’s day and can be found in many of his poems.

Particularly popular – terms from the world of animals

In the German language and in Swiss German lots of animal names are used to refer to the partner. A fact that latin languages for example don’t know at all. The most popular expressions are:

Swiss German English
Muus, Müsli Mouse
Bär, Bäärli Bear
Schnägg, Schnäggli Snail
Spatz, Spätzli Sparrow
Chäfer, Chäferli Beetle
It is very common in Switzerland to call your partner a beetle
It is very common in Switzerland to call your partner a beetle

More typical Swiss German expressions

In addition to animals, these are more ways to call your boyfriend or girlfriend in Swiss German:

For your girlfriend For your boyfriend English translation
Schnügel Schnügel Cutie
Chlini Chlinä Little one
Herz Herz Heart
Liebschti Liebschte My love
Schöni Schöne Beautiful

International nicknames

Multilingualism in Switzerland is also reflected in the choice of nicknames. Again and again, one hears French or Italian terms. Urban Swiss men in particular like to choose English nicknames. These are the most commonly used nicknames from other languages:

English French Italian
Baby Chérie Amore
Babe Bella/Bello
Cutie pie

Ich lieb diiiiiich

One of the most important sentences in the world: I love you. Of course you have to know how to say it in Swiss German. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound quite as romantic as in French “Je t’aime” and not quite as passionate as in Spanish “te amo”. In Swiss German they say:

  • Ich lieb dich/di
  • Depending on the dialect, you can also say: ich ha di lieb

The equivalent to the English “I like you” is in Swiss German: “ich ha di gärn”.

Till death do us part

In case you want to marry a Swiss person, you should know how to ask THE question in Swiss German
In case you want to marry a Swiss person, you should know how to ask THE question in Swiss German

Let’s say you’ve been with your girlfriend or boyfriend for a few years and you’re sure you want to spend the rest of your life with that person. So how do you ask THE most important questions in Swiss German? Here are the most important terms and phrases about marriage:

Swiss German English
Willsch du mich hürate? Do you want to marry me
Willsch du mini Frau werde? Do you want to become my wife?
Ehefrau Wife
Ehemaa Husband
Bis dass de Tod eus scheidet Till death do us part
Ehering Wedding ring
Verlobig Engagement
Hochzit Wedding
Trauzügin Maid of honor
Trauzüg Best man
Polterabig Bachelor party
Hochzitsreis Honeymoon

Exchange more than a few romantic words

We have now equipped you with the most important words in Swiss German on the subject of love. So that you can exchange more than just a few words with your Swiss partner, we recommend that you book our online course.


Love is all around – Swiss German love phrases
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