Moving from the US to Switzerland

Moving from the US to Switzerland

If you are planning on moving to Switzerland from the United States, you will want to be well prepared. It is very important that you take the time to learn about the area and the culture, the language, and the

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This is why Switzerland is famous for its chocolate

This is why Switzerland is famous for its chocolate

Whether it is dark chocolate, white or drinking chocolate, the Swiss love their „Schoggi“. So why does Swiss chocolate have the reputation of being the best chocolate in the world? Huge variety of different kinds of chocolate   A variety

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Switzerland has cantons – and half cantons?

Switzerland has cantons – and half cantons?

Switzerland is politically divided into several cantons and half cantons. There are 20 cantons and 6 half cantons in this country. But what is a half-canton and what is the differences between a “full” and a “half” canton? What is

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Why is “CH” the country code for Switzerland?

Why is “CH” the country code for Switzerland?

According to the International Organization for Standardization, “CH”, Switzerland’s country code, stands for “Confoederatio Helvetica”. This is Latin for „Helvetic Confederation“. Where does the abbreviation “CH” come from? You have to look back a long way into the country’s history

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