What type of permit do I need to stay in Switzerland?

What type of permit do I need to stay in Switzerland?

First and most importantly, anyone who stays in Switzerland for more than three months must have a residence permit. A residence permit, also known as a foreigner’s ID card, is issued by the Cantonal Migration Office responsible for your place

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Taxation in Switzerland Income Tax

Taxation in Switzerland Income Tax

In Switzerland, tax is levied on the federal, cantonal and communal level. The federal  tax is levied on your income, whereas the 26 cantons and approximately 2400 communes levy tax both on income and property. As is typical for Switzerland’s

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The Swiss National Day on 1st August

The Swiss National Day on 1st August

So you have decided to learn Swiss German? Learning about a language involves more than just understanding the words; it is always good to know about the culture and traditions of the country whose language you are learning. If you

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Naturalisation as a Swiss citizen

Naturalisation as a Swiss citizen

Swiss citizenship – naturalisation If you want to become Swiss, there are two ways to get Swiss citizenship, simplified naturalisation and regular naturalisation. Simplified naturalisation These are the requirements for simplified naturalisation. You must have been married for at least

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Newspapers in Switzerland

Newspapers in Switzerland

Print is not dead! Newspapers are still a popular way to get „Wichtigi Nochrichte“ (en: important news) on politics, culture and sports. Which newspaper should you read? Decide which ones are for you after ready our handy guide to the

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