Each country has its own cultural characteristics. What is perceived as polite in Japan can be a total affront in France. The same Switzerland, there are a number of special characteristics in dealing with Swiss that you should remember as
Arriving in Switzerland
How beautiful is Switzerland? As one of the most beautiful regions on this planet, Switzerland offers more than many might realize. From the majestic peaks of the Alps, to the numerous lakes and streams that provide 6% of Europe with
Moving from the US to Switzerland
If you are planning on moving to Switzerland from the United States, you will want to be well prepared. It is very important that you take the time to learn about the area and the culture, the language, and the
Typical Swiss – chocolate, banking and watches …?
People say that different countries have different customs. The Swiss, too, have some typical quirks and behaviours that make them immediately identifiable to others. How do you recognize a typical Swiss? 1. The Swiss people are multilingual In Switzerland,
Do all Germans understand Swiss German?
This is a question that cannot be answered either with a clear yes or a definite no. Some Germans can understand it quite well. Others do not understand a word – literally. Test your knowledge Let us pose a question:
Is speaking Standard Swiss German enough to live in Switzerland?
Switzerland’s linguistic diversity Switzerland is certainly one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. The diversity of the landscape, it’s history, cultural background and linguistic diversity make this country an unusual place. There is no other place in the world
Etiquette in Switzerland
Do you intend to use your „Feriä“ (en: holidays) to visit friends in „dr Schwiiz“ (en: Switzerland)? Do you think it will be easy to manage things on your first trip to this country? It may be so, but it
Festivals and holidays in Switzerland
Like every other country in the world, Switzerland has a reputation which is often somewhat cliched. The world believes that the Swiss are punctual, they are neutral and they make good “Chääs” and “Schoggi”. All true of course, but did
5 reasons why you should learn Swiss German now
Today we prepared an article that summarizes the 5 major reasons why you should start learning Swiss German now. For both your personal and your business life, there are great advantages if you know the local language. We show you